66 Tasting Notes
I didn’t drink this today – I ran out a few weeks back as I was alternating between this and 52’s cooling Chocolate Mint the whole time I was sick – helped my throat no-end!!!
Anyhoo, I’m just logging because it’s ridiculous how often I go to my cupboard thinking ‘what do I want’ and this still jumps to mind :(
I NEED more – Frank PLEASE .. Mayan Chocolate Chai just ain’t doing it for me – I wants the Puerh!
Solid – Bold – Hearty – the Coffee of the Tea world!
This hits the spot like nothing else does and makes me want to yell ‘Assam me baby coz that’s what I’m talking ‘bout!’
The point is Twinings Irish Breaky – Me Love You Long Time ♥ ♥ ♥
*and I’ve upped the rating because I haven’t had this for a while and it’s even better than I remember it ..
I’ve been really sick with a head cold that turned into bronchitis this last 3-4weeks so haven’t been able to taste anything .. Hence I’ve been eagerly waiting to try this sample sent to me by the lovely Rachel Carter herself, and today is the day!
This is my first ‘pumpkin’ tea and I really didn’t know what to expect as the only way I’ve ever eaten pumpkin before was roasted or in soup .. So I made a strong brew and the aroma is sweet & creamy, and I think I even smell some butter & nutmeg in there ?
Oh yum this is really good! I don’t taste ‘spice’ as such, which is good because I wasn’t wanting that .. I’m actually finding it hard to describe .. The flavour has a lot of depth to it, but it’s not ‘overly’ flavoured – it tastes natural, not oily or artificial in any way .. A sweet malty black with some unique pizazz to it, if that makes any sense to anyone other than myself ?!
Another reviewer says it’s “comforting, cozy and well-balanced” and I think that’s spot-on .. Perfect for drinking by the fireside with a cat on ones lap & good book for company – and I don’t even own a cat – I don’t even like cats! But that’s the image this tea conjures up for me lol .. And by ‘drinking’ what I mean to say is a big mug of ‘gulp-worth’ tea :P
I’d probably rate it a little higher than I did if the last couple of mouthfuls weren’t so full of tea leaf dust kwim?! But eh, it happens and I’ll just use a different infuser next time ..
I’ll definitely be ordering some more of this asap!
Oh, I am so HAPPY you enjoyed this. However, I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you imaginary cat you may or may not like gets you well soon. :-)
Ohhhh Myyyy – This is absolutely delicious!
It’s like tLeafTea’s China Rose and 52Tea’s Earl Grey Cheesecake had a love-child .. Actually with a name like Eros it was more likely a threesome, because the tail end of the swallow is a little reminiscent of Harney & Son’s smoooooth Vanilla Comoro ..
This was very expensive and probably not something I’ll get the chance to buy again, but I’m beyond thrilled I took a chance and imported a tin! I also want to mention that this would make a wonderful gift as Mariage Freres know how to pack a treat .. From tissue paper to tins, menu’s and free postcards, this was a true delight to unwrap!
What more can I add other than simply sensational tea .. I seriously ♥ Eros, and am only taking points off due to the high cost ..
Now I must go make another pot because 2 cups wasn’t enough :D
Yes! Southern Season has it! I may get to try it after all. The description sounds really good. If you want more, you can possibly save a bit on shipping by ordering it from them. They are in Chapel Hill, NC.
I had a really lovely Chamomile & Lavender blend the other day, however it’s been discontinued so was hoping this would be similar ..
Unfortunately the Chamomile was so dominant that I wouldn’t have known anything else was in there had I not seen what was in the bag prior :(
I would like to restore some balance in my cupboard by extending my Green Tea range, however I find most I try way too vegetal for my liking .. So I was nervous yet open-minded and hopeful when I tried this sample ..
I cut open the triangular sachet (silk bag) to get a better look at what was in this blend .. Can easily identify the Green Tea Leaves, Calendula Petals (and a seed for that matter), Blue Cornflower Petals, Citrus Peel (great big chunks!) , and possibly Rose Petal ? There’s also some other outer-husky ‘straw like’ bits, stems possibly? .. And I’m not sure about the rest ..
Unfortunately even brewing this at a lower temp and for less amount of time than suggested left me with such an astringent brew that I had to sweeten with honey to drink ..
Second steep gave similar results so this is definitely not for me .. Hence I’m not going to rate it as it doesn’t seem fair ..
Both H&S’s ‘Apple & Cinnamon’, and ‘Apricot’, are great fruity flavoured blacks teas, and I enjoy them both hot or cold .. Thinking outside the cup, they could also be an interesting flavouring ingredient; for example in what is currently being described as ‘The Best Fruit Crumble Ever!!!!!’ :D
You can use any fruit, but I spontaneously decided to soak some dehydrated Apricots, Apples, & Cranberries in what was left of this Apricot Tea (still warm) .. Then ladled it evenly into ramekins and put a layer of this mix on top:
250gm Butter
3 cups Rolled Oats
1.5 cups Stone-Ground Wheat
1 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
0.5 teaspoon Ground Clove
2 handfuls (shelled) Sunflower Seeds
1 cup Brown Sugar
- Rub together with fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs ..
- This makes heaps so you can store left-over in fridge for next time ..
- Alternate Flavours: (add) Lemon Rind, Ground Ginger, Ground Cardamon, Walnuts ..
- Bake at 170°C for 15min, and serve at desired temp ..
Another free sample that came with my recent H&S order, and a good one to compare back to back with their Apple Cinnamon ..
Both of these teas make a lovely fragrant & fruity Autumn cuppa, but I’m not sure I’d need to have both on hand .. Like the Apple this has a sweet aroma and obvious flavouring, yet steeped for a longer period of time the Tea makes itself well known too .. Without becoming bitter or too astringent ..
Purely as a matter of personal preference I’m going to stick with the Apple, but if Apricot is your thing then I definitely suggest you give this a try!
I’ll update after drinking the glass I have chilling ..
This came as a free sample with my latest H&S order, and Oh My what a delicious treat it turned out to be ..
I think if I’d been served my first cup of this blind-folded I would have guessed it was some type of Apple/Chamomile Herbal mix, because the Apple dominates both aroma and flavour .. It’s smooth, sweet, and almost intoxicating!
The Tea itself started to shine though in my second brew, which I’d made immediately after with the last of the fresh leaves added to those already in the pot, and steeped for a few minutes longer (approx 6-7min) .. I still couldn’t detect any cinnamon though, but more importantly I don’t think it needs any ..
I’m so glad I got to try this and yes I will be buying a tin of it asap .. I’ve already drunk two large mugs worth in the last half hour, and have a third, sweetened with half a teaspoon of sugar, chilling in the fridge :D