172 Tasting Notes
TTB Review #38: Curious things going on here. The “pulpy” nature of this tea was a little off-putting at first but it really didn’t bother me once I started drinking. Probably the best way to steep this was to have strained it, but I’m lazy and use a simple infuser which allowed many pieces to float freely in my cup. Getting some umami notes which is nice. Makes me think of being outside on a warm spring day with a cool breeze carrying forth the smell of freshly cut grass.
TTB Review #37: I definitely think this one is best cold. Lots of interesting flavors interacting here. The ginger, cardamom, and fennel all make their presence known, but, as tends to be the case with most ginger-inclusive teas, the ginger mostly steals the show. I may have used too much for it comes across very strongly. Overall decent but not great.
Flavors: Cardamom, Fennel, Ginger
TTB Review #36: After only about 3 hours of sleep last night, I needed something STRONG to start off my day. This tea seemed to have done the trick. I can tell that there’s plenty o’ honey, but I’m also getting strong grape notes, which I didn’t realize at first until I saw one of the other reviews mention it. The moment I read that I was like, “Yes, 100% artificial grape!” Not the biggest fan but this morning all I want is just a strong bolt of caffeine, so it’ll do.
Flavors: Artificial, Grapes, Honey
TTB Review #35: Definitely lives up to its name – I can taste ginger, basil, and lemon individually and they all work well together. I’ve found it’s very easy to overdo the ginger to the point where it’s overpowering, and this tea does a good job of reigning it in. I do wish the pieces of apple and pineapple had more presence.
Flavors: Basil, Ginger, Lemon
TTB Review #33: Not a fan. I like to smell the smoke of a fire, but I don’t want to drink it. VERY heavily smoked, this one. Ash, grill, fire, coal. I don’t know, maybe in a different setting this could be okay, but today I didn’t care for it.
Flavors: Ash, Campfire, Charcoal, Fireplace, Smoke
TTB Review #32: Curious flavors here. I’m getting almost gin vibes. It certainly has this liquor-y taste to it but mixed with juniper berries and/or flowers. Yes, definitely gin. Would have preferred more sweetness to offset the alcohol-ness of this tea.
Flavors: Alcohol, Berries, Floral
TTB Review #31: I had a feeling the moment I smelled it — flashbacks to my awful experience with Wolf Tea’s Honey Scented Black that I rated a 1 so very generously. What is it about these that just turns me off? Stale butter, burnt popcorn, old honey… I’m sorry to anyone who enjoys these but they are clearly not for me. I did manage to finish this cup so it gets a mildly higher rating than the aforementioned comparison.
TTB Review #30: Lots of interesting things happening here. I’m finding prominent notes of caramel and milk, kind of like a latte (although I don’t drink coffee so apologies if that isn’t an accurate comparison). This tastes a lot more like a dessert tea than some others I’ve reviewed on here. Very yummy.
Flavors: Caramel, Milk
TTB Review #29: I really wanted to like this one, I always have such high hopes for dessert teas, but sadly this one just missed the mark for me. I don’t taste coconut or marshmallow or really anything sweet. There’s an odd flavor that I can’t place (lapsang? souchong?). Overall I didn’t find this one enjoyable but I did finish my cup.