Backlog 18 June 2016

I had started writing notes on the review last weekend. However, I must’ve become distracted as I often do whilst in the middle of the session…Although, according to these notes, the time was several minutes after a shu pu-erh session, so I’m guessing that I was pretty ‘tea drunk’ during this session (there are pictures in the review notebook alongside the notes).

Anyway, let us move on.

The dry leaf: Smells of a metallic, chocolate, and nuts (odd mix of aromas for a white tea). It is a light green/brown color. The tips of the leaf are slightly brown/black; with a slight hue of silver along the leaf.

I used a slightly higher temperature of water for this tea, for whatever reason. It seemed to work well with the leaf, so I kept it at 200 F. I used 5 grams of the leaf for 150 ml of water.

First steep: 15 s. There seems to be a slight malty and nutty taste on the tongue. The liquor is ‘clear/light green,’ so the flavor is surprising compared to its color. I’m reminded of a black tea that is less bold.

Second steep: 25 s. The physical leaf is opening up—it has a green-ish hue—reminds me of a raw pu-erh. There is more of a vegatal aroma, but the flavor is still malty & nutty. There appears to be a hint of jasmine, too.

Third steep: Malty vegatal flavors. I jotted down, “tastes like Spring rather than Autumn….fresh leaf quality…like spinach, perhaps.”

Unfortunately, that is all I had noted. Apparently, I had traced the wet leaf onto the paper & made some doodles of eating some sort of food out of as bowl. Ha-ha.

Good tea, though.


Flavors: Cocoa, Jasmine, Malt, Nutty, Spinach

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Mostly drinking sheng/shou puerh. Gongfu daily; western brew at work.

More to see at the IG account: Madhatterteadrunk

Drinking down a lot of my teas in 2020. I may not observe these sessions as much as I’d like, but I’ll note them, when the mood strikes.


Northeast Ohio

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