drank Gingerbread Cookie by DAVIDsTEA
2970 tasting notes

In my new tea panic, and my resolution to drink more evening teas, I grabbed this out of the sample bowl.
And, obviously this has been in the sample bowl since last Christmas time, which is highly embarrassing. What took me so long? Especially since I love gingerbread, and just plain ol ginger.
But it turns out my trepidation was correct, because if someone had given this to me blind, and told me to list the ingredients, I would have said Rooibos, and maybe a touch of spice.
And that’s it. No gingerbread flavor to be found. None. I drank it without paying any attention to it, which I’m sure was not its intention, but here we are.
Ah well. Another one out of the sample bowl, and out of my cupboard.

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I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, but recently a switch has gone off in my brain, and suggested that I might just love tea. And I do!
I’m a bit of a novice, but an enthusiastic one, and am happily sipping new varieties all the time.
I love vanilla, fruity, and caramel flavors, and cant wait to try more.

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