Though I’ve drank this tea a number of times, now, I’ve held off reviewing it as I’ve not been sure if I’ve really tried it at its best. I don’t have a huge amount of my bag left, though, so I feel it’s a fair time to weigh in.
I tried it Western a couple of times (especially as the first time I tried it I’d forgotten it was an oolong so went to Western by default) and a couple of times using my Gaiwan. I think, as ever with oolongs, I preferred it the latter one – the flavours were much more nuanced and it actually tasted like an oolong, rather than an unusual black tea.
The first infusion I allowed to infuse for quite a while – it looked so pale after 10 seconds that I didn’t think it was worth it. After around 30", it looked good so I poured off and gave it a try – it was definitely a good idea! This tea was lovely and smooth, with a really nice sweetness (the sweetness that I find characteristic of oolongs). It was kinda floral, but also had that “kick” and savouriness of a black tea. Subsequent steeps were really tasty, too – I deffo oversteeped the second one (much hotter water and far too long steeping time), but the third was great, with a more bread-or-pastry flavour than in the first infusion.
I’m gonna keep drinking this, through the afternoon, but I think I’ve finally “got it right” re: brewing this oolong. Good times :D
I liked how this tea took some thought when it came to preparing it… it made me focus on what I was doing and really take the time to get to know this tea. :)
Yeah, exactly! :-)