As this box is quite old, I thought I’d start to get through it more quickly, particularly whilst I’m appreciating oolongs so much.
Nothing has really changed about my opinion of this tea – it’s genuinely really good! The infusions (I got ~10 in my 100-120 ml Gaiwan) were all buttery, sweet and floral, with just a hint of a delicate, vegetal flavour.
I have noticed, though, that this tea lacks some of the complexities of the best oolongs I’ve tried so far – even when prepared with lots of leaf and with short infusions, I get little variation. Each infusion is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but it pretty much remains the same throughout the session.
Admittedly, this might be a consequence of this bag’s age – I’ve had this tea opened for around 12 months.
Perhaps, once I work my way through my cupboard, I’ll order another box and test it again, when it’s “fresher”. Goodness knows it’s worth it, for the price – it’s an absolute bargain, compared to other such teas. Perhaps, though, it’s cheapness is a sign that it isn’t necessarily the finest quality oolong…
Either way, I really enjoy this tea – there’s nothing wrong with it and it helped keep my mood really high, despite my on-going toothache :P
Thanks you two :-)
I was hoping it was fixed, too – it felt so much better on Friday that I was sure it was. But the pain returned with a vengeance, over the weekend, and the dentist is now telling me I need root canal… I’m extremely unimpressed – aside from the fact that this means I’ve paid £80 for a filling that essentially will last until I have the treatment (a week or two, then – tops), I now have to go through all of the unpleasantness of root canal surgery. Great T_T
…. :( ….
I feel SO bad for you. I’ve had this happen before, and it’s horrible… Also, the pain from a tooth that needs a root canal quite far surpasses that of one that needs a filling. I can work with a tooth that needs a filling; one that needs a root canal is a whole other matter. I hope that your root canal procedure goes well (I’ve had one I was supposed to get taken care of, but the abscess went away, so I’ve kind of put it off…). Dental work is miserable.
Ugh, tell me about it – I’ve never really experienced any pain like this before (I know, I’ve been lucky in life!), so I’m finding it really tough. Ibuprofen has become my new best friend :P
Thanks for the well wishes! I’m gonna get a second (and third :P) opinion on it, but I certainly can’t pay the £375 that they’re asking – I don’t have nearly that kind of money. I’d have to see if I could get it done on the NHS (which, tbh, I’d probably prefer anyway – my experiences with private dentists have hardly filled me with confidence…)
Oh, it’s the worst! :(
And, I totally understand not being able to pay for the procedure. This last root canal, the dentist told me it would be $800 for the procedure and then even more than that for the crown. I just sort of looked at him and said, “I’ll get back to you on that.” Our dental insurance is really confusing, too, so it makes dealing with it a double pain. So, basically, I am SO sorry that you are dealing with this right now… I can sympathize fully. I really hope you get it all worked out soon.
Oh no, that tooth is still acting up? Hope it feels better soon!
Oh no! I was hoping your tooth was all fixed. :(
Thanks you two :-)
I was hoping it was fixed, too – it felt so much better on Friday that I was sure it was. But the pain returned with a vengeance, over the weekend, and the dentist is now telling me I need root canal… I’m extremely unimpressed – aside from the fact that this means I’ve paid £80 for a filling that essentially will last until I have the treatment (a week or two, then – tops), I now have to go through all of the unpleasantness of root canal surgery. Great T_T
…. :( ….
I feel SO bad for you. I’ve had this happen before, and it’s horrible… Also, the pain from a tooth that needs a root canal quite far surpasses that of one that needs a filling. I can work with a tooth that needs a filling; one that needs a root canal is a whole other matter. I hope that your root canal procedure goes well (I’ve had one I was supposed to get taken care of, but the abscess went away, so I’ve kind of put it off…). Dental work is miserable.
Ugh, tell me about it – I’ve never really experienced any pain like this before (I know, I’ve been lucky in life!), so I’m finding it really tough. Ibuprofen has become my new best friend :P
Thanks for the well wishes! I’m gonna get a second (and third :P) opinion on it, but I certainly can’t pay the £375 that they’re asking – I don’t have nearly that kind of money. I’d have to see if I could get it done on the NHS (which, tbh, I’d probably prefer anyway – my experiences with private dentists have hardly filled me with confidence…)
Oh, it’s the worst! :(
And, I totally understand not being able to pay for the procedure. This last root canal, the dentist told me it would be $800 for the procedure and then even more than that for the crown. I just sort of looked at him and said, “I’ll get back to you on that.” Our dental insurance is really confusing, too, so it makes dealing with it a double pain. So, basically, I am SO sorry that you are dealing with this right now… I can sympathize fully. I really hope you get it all worked out soon.
Ugh, exactly – sounds like you had to pay even more than I might have to :\ I think the crown would be included in mine, though the idea of having to get a crown seems like payment enough T_T
But, again, thanks for your sympathy :-) I really appreciate your kindness and well-wishes!