Followed by 348 Tea Drinkers

steapshoppe 43 followers

Small California based tea company that uses all natural ingredients to enhan...

HUGO TEA COMPANY 49 followers

Modern tea importers defining transparency.

wiicked 34 followers

tunes&tea 279 followers

Dave here. I’m trying to get back into the swing of things as far as writing ...

Seri 10 followers

I have always loved tea, but I never knew how extensive the tea world was unt...

Amber 31 followers

Somewhere in between tea newbie and novice..with a little ninja mixed in.

Tea Guy Speaks 58 followers

Life’s Short. Drink Good Tea.

Cedes 75 followers

Gosh I’m so horrible at these things. So my name is Cedes. I just recently st...

Insence&Tea 198 followers

I’m new to the high quality tea world and eager to get started tasting and en...



Tea (& Coffee) lover. Bookworm.

Favorite teas: Milk Oolong, Flavored blends, Dessert teas, Creamy Teas, Rooibos, Oolong, Black, Green
Dislikes: Spices, Peppery flavors, Cloves, Cardamom, Licorice, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Mate, Puerh, Chai, Ginger

My Rather Picky Ratings
90+ – Reserved for the very best! Always in the cupboard!
80-89 – Quite good! A very pleasing cup.
70-79 – Room for improvement, but not bad.
60-69 – Mediocre.
50-59 – Bad. Will not purchase.
49 & below – Depending on the more specific rating: Undrinkable. Yuck. Will not purchase.

Note: Teas in my cupboard are all of the teas that I’ve logged, regardless of their current presence in my actual cupboard. For an updated list on what teas I have available for swap, check out the swap thread and not my cupboard! Thanks!

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