Thank you LiberTEAS for this sample!
As previously mentioned, the leaves are slightly flatter than expected and not as tightly rolled, which seems to encourage the leaves to unfurl slightly faster. The quality of the liquid seems to make this a moot point, as it is produces a nice relaxing cuppa tea.
As many of the Milk Oolongs, there is plenty of the prominent floral and fruity notes, of which this particular one brings a very good balance of both. It seems to be a nice choice for one that is non-interested in a stronger fruity flavor.
There is a small amount of astringency, but not overbearingly bitter. I found this tea to work well shortly after breakfast, as this seemed to compliment my meal and smooth my palate.
The color in the cup is more of a melon to tangerine, but changes quickly to a darker persimmon juice visual. This doesn’t seem to change the taste and is still enjoyable, even if you aren’t able to finish the cup immediately.