The first of the gaba teas from TS I ordered from the sampler during Black Friday.
Ended up drinking three different sessions to get a decent grasp on how I felt about this tea. While I now great things are going to come from TS, this one just didn’t give me ‘wow’ I was looking for. While the third and fourth steep are quite enjoyable, something about the mild smell contributes to something I taste s mildew. I don’t believe all gaba have such a taste to it because I’ve had two more (one of which was also a TS tea). I think it has something to do with the roast profile of this tea. I’ll try the other s from TS and see how they compare.
I got the mildew. This one was way too brothy for me. I still have some and have yet to drink any of more. It might make a better cooking tea, though.
I have a sample of this on the way. Will have to see if I detect a similar mildew note
It’s possible it is me; I am very picky with my roasted oolong.
I got the mildew. This one was way too brothy for me. I still have some and have yet to drink any of more. It might make a better cooking tea, though.
With that said, the GABA Oolong is less roasted and very muscatel. It actually tasted a lot like a Darjeeling. The GABA Green is a bit more like a golden lily oolong (Jin Xuan for a reason) but still more on that spectrum if you haven’t had it.