drank Bolder Breakfast by The Tea Spot
84 tasting notes

Usually I don’t post tasting notes about teas which I find mediocre or unpleasant, but…

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Show 9 previous comments...
Cofftea 15 years ago

You should, then we know what teas to avoid:P

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

Well don’t buy this one!
Pu-erhs like this are giving pu-erhs a terrible reputation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gross gross gross.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Your parameters are vastly different from my preference so I may just try it to compare;)

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

It tasted like I imagine it would if someone brewed my tea in a tire, and then put out their cigarette in it. :(

Cofftea 15 years ago

Ew… Even thought this isn’t entirely pu erh, I think I’d probably use my typical pu erh preparation method.

tease 15 years ago

Too bad there’s no dislike button on here! :P

Keemun 15 years ago

…looking at your 5min steeping time and your boiling water…is this the first time that your ’work’with a Pu-Erh? No offens here.Clearly there are good teas and clearly there a teas that were produced for the bin…
But in case that this was your first trial with Mr.Bolder Breakfast than you should give it another chance.
Stick with the boiling water at first but keep the first infusion under 90 seconds…pour the tea in a cup and let it cool down for a couple of minutes.
Some Pu-Erhs tend to come across quite rough when drunk very hot.But after a few minutes they start to taste milder.Even fruty perhaps…
If the tea seems still to bitter or rough to you then try it with a lower water temp.
85 degrees Celsius…90sec steeping
I am only suggesting here…

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

Maybe I should try a shorter infusion time, and see how it goes. I’m very particular when I make my tea though, so I did use the water temperature and infusion time as indicated on the canister.
I can’t remember if it was five minutes or not, I didn’t have it in front of me while on Steepster, but typically 5 minutes is appropriate for your standard shu pu-erh. Usually the shorter and staggered infusion times apply to saiqing varieties pu-erh or a sheng tuo cha, right?

I mean no offence to fans of this tea! …Maybe it tastes good with cream and sweetener?

Cofftea 15 years ago

Oh Cha!, Carolyn has suggested rinsing 1g of tea for every 1oz water for 15 sec in boiling water then 20 sec steeps and I’ve been quite impressed w/ the strength and the quality of the flavor. While I do often at least try the company’s suggestions, I’ve also learned some companies don’t know squat when it comes to steeping parameters. Pu Erh is like any other tea, everyone likes it different. But this is just another preparation option for you.

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

Neato! Thanks for the tip!! :)

Cofftea 15 years ago

Carolyn is really to thank- I’m just relaying it;)

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Cofftea 15 years ago

You should, then we know what teas to avoid:P

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

Well don’t buy this one!
Pu-erhs like this are giving pu-erhs a terrible reputation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gross gross gross.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Your parameters are vastly different from my preference so I may just try it to compare;)

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

It tasted like I imagine it would if someone brewed my tea in a tire, and then put out their cigarette in it. :(

Cofftea 15 years ago

Ew… Even thought this isn’t entirely pu erh, I think I’d probably use my typical pu erh preparation method.

tease 15 years ago

Too bad there’s no dislike button on here! :P

Keemun 15 years ago

…looking at your 5min steeping time and your boiling water…is this the first time that your ’work’with a Pu-Erh? No offens here.Clearly there are good teas and clearly there a teas that were produced for the bin…
But in case that this was your first trial with Mr.Bolder Breakfast than you should give it another chance.
Stick with the boiling water at first but keep the first infusion under 90 seconds…pour the tea in a cup and let it cool down for a couple of minutes.
Some Pu-Erhs tend to come across quite rough when drunk very hot.But after a few minutes they start to taste milder.Even fruty perhaps…
If the tea seems still to bitter or rough to you then try it with a lower water temp.
85 degrees Celsius…90sec steeping
I am only suggesting here…

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

Maybe I should try a shorter infusion time, and see how it goes. I’m very particular when I make my tea though, so I did use the water temperature and infusion time as indicated on the canister.
I can’t remember if it was five minutes or not, I didn’t have it in front of me while on Steepster, but typically 5 minutes is appropriate for your standard shu pu-erh. Usually the shorter and staggered infusion times apply to saiqing varieties pu-erh or a sheng tuo cha, right?

I mean no offence to fans of this tea! …Maybe it tastes good with cream and sweetener?

Cofftea 15 years ago

Oh Cha!, Carolyn has suggested rinsing 1g of tea for every 1oz water for 15 sec in boiling water then 20 sec steeps and I’ve been quite impressed w/ the strength and the quality of the flavor. While I do often at least try the company’s suggestions, I’ve also learned some companies don’t know squat when it comes to steeping parameters. Pu Erh is like any other tea, everyone likes it different. But this is just another preparation option for you.

Oh Cha! 15 years ago

Neato! Thanks for the tip!! :)

Cofftea 15 years ago

Carolyn is really to thank- I’m just relaying it;)

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I’m a foodie. I’ve worked in tea professionally, and the obsession never left. I’ve also worked at a wine bar (with cheese, truffles & charcuterie) and a teahouse/restaurant (with excellent artisan pairing dishes) on the side.
So I’ve done a lot of tasting… and you’ll notice I bring up food pairing a lot!

I’m all about sharing recipes and recommendations, so please feel free to throw any of yours my way, and should you ask I’ll be happy to do the same. I’m also old school with my brewing methods – so if you have any questions of brewing or artisan teaware, feel free to ask.

Drinking artisan tea, indulging in an entire bottle of wine, savouring microbrewed beer, making everything from scratch, putting cheese on/with everything like a true Wisconsinite, spending months’ worth of paychecks on Amazon, and flipping through and smelling the pages of books I surely won’t get to for another 8-10 years.


Milwaukee, WI

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