A sample from MissB! Thank you. :)
This is really really good. It’s exactly what it says it is – a cardamom black tea. Nice and strong, very spicy, amazing with a splash of milk.
I really like it, and if I was in the market for a cardamom tea I’d totally hunt this down and buy some. As it is, I have Too Many Teas. ;)
When/if you decide to look for it. It can be found lately at bulk barn, Metro ( or whatever subsidiary is around you), among others. It hasn’t been to hard to find lately. The strawberry one is pretty good too!
High fives, TeaBrat! It’s an interesting club to be sure.
yyz, I was just going to say we don’t have a bulk barn here, but apparently we do! Just in a pain-in-the-butt location to bus to. :)
@Kittena, I have used dessicated cardamom with good results, not sure about the pods. The powder is super fine and might just make a mess in your tea.
I just crack the green pods and added them to good result. It’s not quite the same flavour as this tea though.
join the club :D
When/if you decide to look for it. It can be found lately at bulk barn, Metro ( or whatever subsidiary is around you), among others. It hasn’t been to hard to find lately. The strawberry one is pretty good too!
High fives, TeaBrat! It’s an interesting club to be sure.
yyz, I was just going to say we don’t have a bulk barn here, but apparently we do! Just in a pain-in-the-butt location to bus to. :)
Would mixing green cardamom pods (or ground cardamom) with black tea have a similar result?
@Kittena, I have used dessicated cardamom with good results, not sure about the pods. The powder is super fine and might just make a mess in your tea.
I just crack the green pods and added them to good result. It’s not quite the same flavour as this tea though.
I’ve done cardamom powder in coffee before so I’m sure it would work.