123 Tasting Notes

Assam Tea

The first steeping waa about 200 mL with 4 grams of tea. I had to add a bit of water to make it more drinkable after steeping. Just a plain black tea. Not too exciting.

Second steeping I went for closer to 400 mL. This time the tea really opened up and became delicious, on the tea and citrus side plus something extra. It took quite a bit of sugar to get there, as you would expect with a tea as strong as Assam.

I didn’t get a lot of aroma from this tea.

You should be able to hold a good tea in your mouth and continue to get flavour from it. This assam delivers that.

The colour was orange / red.

Update: This was made for milk and sugar. It’s an Assam all right!

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Today was 34 C. So I picked a tea that would remind me of a summer bonfire. It’s odd that we celebrate the heat with even more heat, but in another way it’s accepting of summer.

What I love about this tea is that you can breath the flavour in after drinking it.

The tea base itself was mild and unobtrusive. How can I describe the smoke demons that dance on my tongue. There are so many types of wood to use. Previous teas have tasted like burning green pine needles. Acrid. There was a little of that, but overall it was smooth. Perhaps this was from Wuyi, as there were greens beside this. This is a lot milder than what I have had before. The liquor was a lighter orange red.

The only experience I get like this is real bbq. Smoking ribs, brisket, and pork.

Well, maybe smoked salmon too. And of course maple syrup.

I will have to wait for the return of winter and enjoy this while standing on a huge snow bank.

Lapsang Souchong unknown.

Flavors: Smoke, Wood

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drank Pure Green Tea by Twinings
123 tasting notes

This is pretty much a standard in Canada and Great Britain.

It’s a good cup of green tea . They also sell 200 bag boxes, which really makes it a value, if you can find them.

Each one is individually wrapped.

Twinnings probably has the best blenders in the world. They deal with so much tea.

It’s better than the Walmart Brand here, as well.

Next time I get another box, I will update this.

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It’s kind of strange that there aren’t more reviews of this tea. It is everywhere in Canada, and Britain.

As long as I can remember Twinnings was a quality brand here. They were above the usual supermarket brands.

This English Breakfast is a nice dark colour. You can drink it with or without milk and it is fine. In other words the tea isn’t too heavy on tanin like cheaper brands.

All of the tea bags are individually wrapped. I have a box here that has been around for 2 years, and it still tastes good.


I totally agree with you. Twinings English Breakfast Tea is a solid, dependable, good quality tea. It is a permanent fixture in my tea pantry.

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drank Moroccan Mint by Stash Tea
123 tasting notes

It’s 33 degrees celcius today, more with the humidex. I am just relaxing with a glass of iced Moroccan Mint tea.

It’s a deep yellow colour, more yellow than the green tea alone. I have tried their premium organic green tea as well (see review) and the quality is excellent, so I was interested how the addition of mint would change it.

The combination of lemongrass and peppermint and spearmint reminds me a bit of lipton’s
Chamomile tea. All in all it is a cool and refreshing drink.

I used double bags and 200 mL of water for 2 min to boil this.

I enjoy the heat, and this drink reminds me of Turkish people sitting around with small glasses of mint tea.

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Second Flush Darjerling
No Origin
Brewed Lighter Ceylon Orange Colour
BOP I suppose

It’s a nice clean black tea. It’a so easy to drink. The aroma just reminds me of what tea should smell like. So yummy.

Iced it is great too. There was a bit of a dry spot on my tongue because of this tea. Umami?

I was reading someone say they didn’t enjoy darleeling. This tea makes that easy.

Price about $12 / 100 g

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I picked this one up at Walmart for $6 Canadian. I’m almost done the whole 100g can.

A refreshing green tea to start the day. It’s more on the citrus side than the vegetable side.

I generally brew it 4g at a time with maybe 300 mL of water add some sugar and then cool it down with a little water. Repeat.

I also brewed it super strong at 10g and did 200 mL steepings for 2 minutes, like a Japanese tea and it turned out surprisingly well given the low price!

I think the point here is that you don’t have to pay $20+ if you just want a good green tea.


putting this on the wish list :). I think I saw this brand the other day at the grocery store

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drank Uji Sencha Jubuzan by Hojo Tea
123 tasting notes

A lot of what this company says sounds wrong.

It would be interesting to read a review of this tea.


What do you mean, what is it that sounds wrong? Did you drink this tea?

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drank Earl Grey by Higgins & Burke
123 tasting notes

Maybe I was insane, going out after 10 o’clock just to get a flavour of tea that wasn’t in my cupboard. Earl Grey it was. I have always had a love hate relationship with this tea. When it’s badly mixed in a cheap tea, or adding milk to it, which seems like someone answering the question: “Do you want milk or lemon?” with BOTH!

Actually, I don’t use milk at all in tea, anymore. Perhaps Earl Grey was invented for people who don’t. The oil itself comes from the Bergamot Orange. Who knows, maybe a Brit was offered Uzu in Asia, only to return home and find none. Tea with toast and marmelade is a classic too.

I’m doing shots of this tea. The first two were not that good. It does take a little time for black tea to get ready. I can see now how bergamot might have been used to immitate better tea. It must add a bit of sourness to the taste as well (think lemon). Living in a Coca-Cola society, we should know this flavour? I’m sure that anyone dealing with bad tea everyday might look for something to make it taste better.

By the fourth steep the tea base is almost gone, still some bergamot, though. At package opening, you could smell the flavour. Now it’s tongue smackingly good.

Flavors: Bergamot

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