Pure Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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Hay, Grass, Green, Musty, Straw, Herbs, Astringent
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jack
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec 2 g 9 oz / 273 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “It’s free at the office so that’s why I’ve been drinking it… This tea is certainly nothing to write home about, it’s a standard Chinese green tea and nothing I would bother to keep for my personal...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had this when going out tonight because it was either Twinings or Tazo, and I’ve had a lot of bad experience with Tazo bagged teas. Again, nothing special here, just a decent cup of green tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Every Friday night I go over to my friends’ room to watch British drama (currently we’re 4/5 of the way through Parade’s End – SO GOOD). After this finishes I think I’m starting them on Doctor Who...” Read full tasting note
  • “Weather has been such that I’ve been keeping a warm cup in hand constantly, and as a result, caffeinated myself into a fizz over the weekend. Trying to scale it down a bit, and this is a nice,...” Read full tasting note

From Twinings

A soothing and refreshing green tea with a delicate flavour and a light golden colour. Pure and natural. Green teas are made from leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as tea.

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40 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

It’s free at the office so that’s why I’ve been drinking it…

This tea is certainly nothing to write home about, it’s a standard Chinese green tea and nothing I would bother to keep for my personal stash.

I know this is a terrible thing to admit on Steepster, but my tea obsession seems to be winding down a bit. For one thing I’ve discovered I can drink coffee again in the mornings on some days because my heartburn issues have resolved themselves quite a lot due to decreased stress levels in my life over a few years ago. Why this is, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because some annoying people who were stressing me out have been jettisoned from my life – lol :)

Also I still have way too much tea but that goes without saying. :)

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Nooooo, tea obsession winding down? Can’t happen!


I know, right???


I feel that happening to me every now and then, but that’s partially because(I think) I’m SO immersed in it that I just need a break every now and then! :)


IB – maybe I do need a bit of a break, but either way I’m happy my stomach isn’t bothering me so much anymore!


less tummy issues is a great thing! :)

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592 tasting notes

I had this when going out tonight because it was either Twinings or Tazo, and I’ve had a lot of bad experience with Tazo bagged teas. Again, nothing special here, just a decent cup of green tea when I’m out and about without my beloved loose leaf collection.

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323 tasting notes

Every Friday night I go over to my friends’ room to watch British drama (currently we’re 4/5 of the way through Parade’s End – SO GOOD). After this finishes I think I’m starting them on Doctor Who and they’re starting me on Game of Thrones. Although if I can convince them not to start that until I’ve read the books, well…

Caitlin offered me a “hot beverage” and so I went with this. It’s okay, more of a warm cup than anything, but it’s not something I particularly care for. It’s not bad, it’s better than some bagged teas, but meh.

Terri HarpLady

I love Dr Who, & I love Game of Thrones! I read the entire G of TH series this summer…it took forever, & now it will probably be 5 years before he finishes the next book…

Autumn Hearth

Like the British drama night, not so much the meh tea

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3011 tasting notes

Weather has been such that I’ve been keeping a warm cup in hand constantly, and as a result, caffeinated myself into a fizz over the weekend. Trying to scale it down a bit, and this is a nice, office-friendly, error-resistant departure from full black caffeinated.

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557 tasting notes

I have had better green teas and I have had much worse. I had this bag for a while so it might not have been the freshest ever. It might be better if it was fresher. But it was nice to have in the evening.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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2 tasting notes

I keep meaning to try more green tea, but shy away from spending lots of money on what feels to my black tea sensibilities like a weak, unsatisfying brew. So my green tea expedition started at the supermarket.

This is serviceable. It has a light taste, not very flavorful, and finishes with an astringency that irritates me more often than not. I can see drinking it if I’m more in the mood for water than tea but still need a little caffeine boost.

In the meantime, the search continues for a “gateway” green.

Brews: up to 4 at 5m apiece

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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18 tasting notes

Since im in a trip right now, the only tea i can take in the house im staying is twinings, a brand with which im used to, but of course not the same as my be loved green tea of vietnam or my turkish black tea at home. Anyways the cup fill me with a nice warm :) though the taste is good some how i had tried much better for pure green teas, this one loose flavor a little.

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36 tasting notes

Tasty Green Tea — good for a quick cup. Nothing exquisite or anything.

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69 tasting notes

Quite a good tea, which I have whenever I go to Bob Evans. It’s a little astringent for my taste, so I tone it down with a little Splenda, which makes it super-yummy for my taste.

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58 tasting notes

I don’t believe I could call myself a fan of Twinings. I mean, tea is tea and I’ll drink it, and unfortunately a lot of restaurants serve this brand. To me, it tastes bland and boring.


My green tea china green tea ovously its very nice and good to drink beause of its nice aroma and good taste flavor its original pure green tea flavor.and ther a lot of good experience when i was start drinking of china green tea first of all my headache was remove my vision is so good and specialy my memory its improve thanks to china green tea.

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