No idea why this is called Presidential, unless it’s just to keep in tune with the (fun) company name. Regardless, as stated, it’s a black peach tea.
I love the packaging and the smell, and the company’s customer service rocks my casbah. Still this tea isn’t as impressive as I want it to be. Yes, it’s delicious. The tea leaves are a bit smaller than I’d prefer; I love to watch my teas unfurl as they steep. This one is more granular than long and leafy. Or, at least the batch I received, is.
As well, this just doesn’t taste strongly of peach, to me. Third time I’ve had it, this time it’s cooled to almost lukewarm, and it’s the most peachy that I’ve found it so far. It definitely needs sweetener, and while I do enjoy it (it’s smoooooth like butter), it’s just not luscious and ripe and juicy like I want a peach tea to be.
In fairness, I’ve yet to find a peach tea that’s luscious and ripe and juicy tasting. So on that scale, if I’m comparing to others, this one does a bang-up job. At the top 5% of the peach teas I’ve had, so far.
Still, there’s an artificial quality to this that I just don’t dig, and it bugs me. I’ll steep it a few more times in different ways (this is my third? fourth? try) to see if I can pull out it’s juiciness, minus the aftertaste. As well, I steeped it a bit long and hot this time, which may be the issue.
Graciously received from Impeach Tea via my Instagram account ( in exchange for honest reviews and shares.
Flavors: Artificial, Butter, Peach, Smooth