These things are strong. You only need 2 pieces per mug. You can probably make 2 infusions with this. It does taste a lot like ginseng.
I generally don’t add sugar to my teas, but on occasion, I like to add honey or rock sugar to this.
Ginsing oolongs are usually more medicinal in use than enjoyment so they’re usually quite strong. I might suggest a brand coated in licorice powder or mixing it with ginger. Much more palatable to me.
Ginsing oolongs are usually more medicinal in use than enjoyment so they’re usually quite strong. I might suggest a brand coated in licorice powder or mixing it with ginger. Much more palatable to me.
Well this isnt an oolong. its just pure ginseng flower, but you have good advice nonetheless. I actually really dislike licorice but ginger might be good. I could just simmer some fresh ginger and use the resulting liquid to brew these flowers. Then add rock sugar. :D