Good morning everyone. Today, we will start with green tea, which should be a good choice because based on the name. I was not able to find it on B&B website, so no picture of loose leaf.
I prepared a tea (two tsp), water, thermometer and a glass cup. Boiled water, spilled it into a a cup – thermometer in. Wait few minutes, water is 80 °C – tea in. And then the magic starts. Do you thought this is a green tea, so it should be green or yellow? Wrong! As I was!
I mean, the tea start turning blue, violet and those weird colours. Check a quick pic I did: It is really interesting colour, when all dust settled down, it really looks like some magical potion. A mana potion maybe :D? Well, a blue pea flower is in (and not in ingredients here, because it is not in the list)
Weird, but colour should not change a taste or scents. It just looks like hypermangan.
Let´s smell. Yep, lemons. Little fruitiness, but I am not sure about raspberries. No green tea base in aroma.
Taste. Here it is said that you eat (drink) even with your eyes. Maybe something is true on this statement. I mean, it is really hard to don´t think about the visual. It is quite buttery, but not bitter. A lemon notes are there too, but I do not think they are so strong as I expected. And somewhere in background I feel a raspberry, but rather just a raspberry seeds. There are as well grassy notes of the green tea base.
In conclusion, it is very interesting tea and I think I can recomment it, maybe mostly because of the colour. I understand not everbody is fan of it but for me it makes me laugh, and tea itself is not really bad.
Flavors: Butter, Grass, Lemon, Raspberry