Lemon & Raspberry

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Apple Pieces, Freeze Dried Raspberries, Natural Flavours, Orange Peel, Rose Hips, Sencha
Apple, Grass, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Raspberry, Butter
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Quick note. I see mixed reviews on this one but I really liked it. It was a very light fruity taste, but it was perfect for one of those super thirsty days. Good sencha. I really like the Bird...” Read full tasting note
  • “B&B sent this free sample in my last order. It brews up blue due to the butterfly pea flower. It actually tastes nicer than I’d imagined! The flavor is lemon and lightly berry. It’s light and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I received this as a free sample during the Christmas in July sale! Thanks so much, Bird & Blend! I know this is one of the summer blends that B&B intended to be iced. I must mention first...” Read full tasting note
  • “I made raspberry lemonade cupcakes because I’ve been watching two broke girls again and they have a cupcake shop so I’ve been craving cupcakes. Alas, the cupcakes were a lot of work and not really...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Do not be fooled by this iced teas´s magical blue colour… it packs a zesty lemon yellow punch! Add a drop of lemon juice & watch the brew turn berry pink in front of your eyes!

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9 Tasting Notes

379 tasting notes

Quick note. I see mixed reviews on this one but I really liked it. It was a very light fruity taste, but it was perfect for one of those super thirsty days. Good sencha. I really like the Bird & Blend teas, at least the ones I tried. They aren’t overly sweet and they don’t have artificial sweeteners. At least the ones I tried.

Lemony, raspberry flavor, a hint of apple. The color threw me off before I tasted it. It’s so… BLUE! lol, It looked like Koolaid. I recommend it and look forward to buying some B&B teas and matcha once I get some more sipdowns. Thanks so much, Tea-Sipper!

Flavors: Apple, Grass, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Raspberry


I knew you’d like this one. :D


DELETE3 minutes ago
hehe I do! I’m going to have to get some of the blue raspberry one since you said you liked that one too.


They are both very similar! Though if I remember correctly, the Blue Raspberry doesn’t have any lemon.


I’m having this one again today and I think Blue Raspberry and Lemon + Raspberry are both too similar to stock both. There isn’t too much lemon in Lemon + Raspberry, so they almost seem the same. Though Blue Raspberry has that POP of raspberry since the blend is strictly green tea and raspberry, rather than a ton of extra things like flowers that Lemon + Raspberry has.


kk good to know. :) Thanks!

Martin Bednář

And I am sitting here, checking my reviews and thinking if I have such a different sense of taste :D

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2594 tasting notes

B&B sent this free sample in my last order. It brews up blue due to the butterfly pea flower. It actually tastes nicer than I’d imagined! The flavor is lemon and lightly berry. It’s light and tasty. I’m quite pleased with it since I’m not a green tea lover. The flavors are a little more subtle than I prefer, but this is not a bad tea at all.

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4338 tasting notes

I received this as a free sample during the Christmas in July sale! Thanks so much, Bird & Blend! I know this is one of the summer blends that B&B intended to be iced. I must mention first that I didn’t ice this any way, shape, or form. I steeped it like a typical green. But I LOVE the way I steeped it… it probably couldn’t be better to my tastes. B&B’s raspberry teas are like no other. They are now my official go-to raspberry teas! It’s such an awesome, unique, full, buzzy, raspberry flavor, even if it’s the “blue” raspberry flavor. I love it. To be honest, I can’t really tell much of a difference between this blend and the Blue Raspberry blend. There should be lemon here, but it isn’t tasting much like lemon. So the raspberry and the green tea tastes mostly like Blue Raspberry. Both blends turn blue. I didn’t notice too much of the apple, rosehips or orange that should be in the blend, which is okay with me. Perfect on a hot day. This one gets a lower rating because these extra ingredients don’t need to be here. So both blends are fantastic, but I’d choose the Blue Raspberry over this one, because it showcases that amazing blue raspberry that I haven’t tasted in ANY other tea anywhere. I’m glad Blue Raspberry is part of the tea wall.
Steep #1 // 1 heaping teaspoon for a full mug // 32 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 30 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep


Sounds tasty! My free samples are MojiTea and Peach & Orange – was hoping I got this one but did not.

Martin Bednář

Interesting that I was not so hyped about this one. It was just okay – both iced and brewed “as usual”.

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6444 tasting notes

I made raspberry lemonade cupcakes because I’ve been watching two broke girls again and they have a cupcake shop so I’ve been craving cupcakes. Alas, the cupcakes were a lot of work and not really my/my sister’s finest work. They are raspberry lemonade flavor but don’t have nearly enough raspberry or lemonade flavor, especially for all the work involved so not a recipe we’re keeping.

Also, I was sad because the buttercream broke so they didn’t look that nice either. However, I still decided to feature one in my photo so this tea seemed to a good choice for my tea of the day. However like the cupcake, there is not much raspberry or lemon. Mostly green tea base. I cold brewed the rest so hopefully that’s better.

Photo of cupcake and tea: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAES9Ypg9Rz/?igshid=ujp64hmzqjp


Did you use tea in the cupcake recipe?


I did not. My family doesn’t really drink it plus there was already so much in this recipe


Ahh okay. I’ve been wanting to try to make Earl Grey cupcakes for a while now but I don’t know how to go about it!


There’s lot of recipes online for that


Yeah I’ve read some, was just hoping I’d be able to pick the brain of someone who’d tried it (:


Thanks though!

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2069 tasting notes

ICED time!
Yep, my first ever ICED tea.

And it turned out great!
It is quite freshly citrusy but there is some nice sweet flavour of raspberries. Maybe bit tangy.

Yep, this tea is blue. Kind of strange feeling drinking it. But taste is great. And that is what matters.

Iced 4 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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