HI there, I’m a 20 something csr rep. with a sensitive pallet and a love for anything that tastes good.
I’m fairly new to tea, a year ago i was a die hard coffee drinker, and then i got a free glass tea bottle and some blooming tea for christmas….that was the beginning of a new found obsession!
Forget flavored Coffee and all the milk and sugar i had to add to make it drinkable! now i have tea that i can drink straight up without all those extra calories!
I work about 5 minutes away from the David’s Tea head office, so you’ll notice that i mostly review those but i will try and trade with others so that i can get a taste of what else is out there!
Do not hesitate to PM me to discuss trades!
anyway that’s it for me, myself and I.
Montreal, Canada
I love this one!