1 bag for 300mL water @100C, steeped 3 minutes.
I found a box of these in the English imports section of my supermarket. The PG Tips normally sold here in Canada is a flat and dull Ceylon blend. This blend, while not quite what I remember from my last UK box — damn it, I was SURE there was Keemun in this once — is decent. Lots of heft from Assams and Kenyans, with an astringency I don’t normally seek out in tea but don’t really mind — the Kenyan tea, I think, that dry pucker. I’m sick as a poisoned dog here this morning, and a cup of tea like this is absolutely medicinal.
Rest and be well! I am hoarding my last bit of PG Tip loose leaf, which is no longer available locally at all. Wonder if the two (bagged vs. loose) are a little different.