This is one of my favorite Dragonwell Teas. I did not brew it “traditionally” – that is, I did not allow the tea leaves to become turgid. I have found that when I brew Dragonwell tea, if I brew the first infusion just 1 minute, I am able to get quite a few more infusions out of the leaves, and I prefer the flavor of the short steeped tea much more than that of the traditional method.
I’d like to think that my relationship with Dragonwell has come a long way since I first tried it some 10 years ago. My first experience was not a positive one, to say the least, and since that time, I’ve learned more about myself as a tea drinker and my preferences, and have experimented a bit to find that Dragonwell is one of my favorite green teas!
The flavor is sweet, only slightly vegetative (not nearly as vegetative as most Japanese greens), and has a very pleasant floral note. It tastes … like spring!
Even though I had said I won’t be rating teas numerically while I am sick, I have chosen to do so with this tea, because… my stores in this tea are getting quite low and I don’t know how long I’ll be sick vs. how long I’ll have this tea to rate it when I’m well. Even if I weren’t sick though, I would rate this one very high, because it is so good and worthy of the high rating.
Ever since Radiance Tea House’s Dragonwell sampling, I’ve become more addicted to them. I realized I never made it with enough leaves so the flavors never stood out.
i made a batch with too many leaves (for me) i need a large supply to play with…after i dig out of all the teas i have now…for such a simple tea i can’t seem to get the leaf/water ratio right
Ever since Radiance Tea House’s Dragonwell sampling, I’ve become more addicted to them. I realized I never made it with enough leaves so the flavors never stood out.
i made a batch with too many leaves (for me) i need a large supply to play with…after i dig out of all the teas i have now…for such a simple tea i can’t seem to get the leaf/water ratio right
Any hints on how much i should try out? (you seem to have found your leaf/water /time sweet spot!)