I pulled this one out of the box for one very specific reason. A few years ago, in a sample pack of Tea Forte, I had tried Moroccan Orange Blossom tea. I absolutely loved it. Even if I am the only one on the internet to give it a good review, I still maintain it was delicious. I have not been able to find a suitable alternative with any other tea companies.
I pulled this one out of the box because it was Tea Forte and had orange in the name. But I failed to look at the description. It describes orange with cinnamon. I just don’t see how orange would ever go with cinnamon. Maybe orange peel, but not orange.
The tea bag, once unwrapped, smelled strongly of sweet cinnamon. The brewed tea smells like cinnamon hot lips.
The tea tastes like a very strong, somewhat bitter black tea. The cinnamon is very flat, not much bite to it. I am not picking up too much citrus but there is a sweetness to the tea which could be reminiscent of citrus.
I have never really thought much of Tea Forte, except for the moroccan orange blossom of course. This tea falls into the not think too much of it category.