Day 2 of 52 teas 12 days of Christmas.
I should have known this would happen but I didn’t think it all the way through before I purchased this set of teas. I have had this tea before and actually own a bag of it. I think I will have had many of these 12 days of teas before. But maybe not. So I shouldn’t be so pessimistic. It doesn’t really even matter anyway. It is the surprise and good tea that counts.
I accidentally steeped this one for about 5 min instead of 2 min 30 sec which I usually do. The timer went off at 2 min and I thought I would estimate the 30 sec more. But then I totally forgot about it. All in all probably steeped for 5 or 6 min. But it is still really good. The actually root beer flavour is quite strong. But there is still a little vanilla flavour. I would describe it this time as more Barq’s root beer, with bite. The vanilla and float flavours are a bit less than with a shorter steep. It smells super delicious. I want A and W for lunch now.
I want A and W too!