Made this one hot, iced and cold brewed. The dry mix smells strongly of passionfruit.
Hot: Brewed 1tsp for 4 minutes in boiling water. Primary flavour is passionfruit, followed by sweet apple, and bitter hibiscus. The liquor is dark red and thick. It is sweet enough on its own. Moreso tart than sweet.
Iced: Brewed 2 tsp for 10 minutes, added ice cube then put in fridge. Primary flavour is passionfruit, followed by strong tart hibiscus, then unripe apple. Mostly tart with minimal sweetness. The liquor is the darkest out of the three, it is quite thick.
Cold brewed: Brewed for 13 hours. The primary flabour is passionfruit, followed by strong apple. There is a slight rose flavour. Some tartness but is mostly sweet. The liquor is think and light pink.
Over all I prefer this one cold brewed, then hot, and do not like it much iced. I might have made it too strong iced and that is why it is so bitter/hibiscus.