I understood the Darjeeling reference as soon as I saw and sniffed this tea. It’s fairly light, wooden and floral with a wonderful blend of green, silver and brown colours which span across large leaves and tips.
Steeping 2 tsp for 5 minutes (as I like strong black tea) with boiling water as recommended on the information card. Though it does also have it on the packet too.
Once steeped this tea is dark amber/brown and has a slightly dry scent with wood and floral tones. Somewhat matching it’s raw scent.
Flavour is slightly astringent though as it lightens it becomes softly sweet. Prominent wood tones with some dryness and overall a medium strength. There are floral notes similar to those of Darjeeling but I would say this has a ‘darker’ charm to it.
It’s not strong despite the long steep (though it is enough for my liking) though I may try a shorter steep and see how that comes out. This was very nice but I just haven’t found my perfect level yet. However, I do think this was a splendid Nepalese tea, usually I drink their lemongrass or Ceylon blends but not often do I buy them. It was very nice to have the opportunity to try this.
For pictures and more information please view my blog.
Flavors: Floral, Wood