This is called ‘Instant Tea’ and it claims to have instant black tea amongst it’s ingredients. It must only be a small amount as the crystals look more like sugar or sherbet. It’s sweet and lingers in the air, rather dusty and fine though with a sweet fruit and floral scent. Not hugely familiar with damson plum specifically.
I tried this both warm and cold today though it tasted the same for both drinks. The liquid is a pink/red colour and tastes highly floral and sweet though also light. It isn’t until the after taste that a fruit note dances onto the tongue and even then it’s too sweet for plum. More berry like than plum. Even in taste the instant tea is sherbet like and it has that edge of sour yet sweet sugar crystal type powder in each sip.
I’m not sure, the idea of this is a replacement for cordial and fizzy pop so it was never going to meet my satisfaction as a cup of tea, though even in despite of that it’s rather pleasant. I like that it’s floral and light, though sweet it isn’t too much and it does make a nice treat in the day. Not the greatest tea for my diet though considering the sugar but I will let myself off this time.
In basic terms I think I may purchase more of this in the summer as an aid to tea, mixed with some ice green tea I believe this would make a wonderful summer tea punch.