This tea was a gift from my husband for Christmas after our visit to Covent Garden a few months ago. Such wonderful memories :)
I added a splash of milk as this is my first cup of tea for the day. With my severe hang over yesterday I need easy drinking this morning.
The tea is very nice, it tastes of fresh peppermint but more natural flower than sweet and artificial but with a malty and rich Yunnan base that has been toned down slightly by the milk. The mint is not overly strong as you would expect but it’s still a little refreshing without going overboard and being dominant.
The balance is perfect, I already have enough strong peppermint tea’s (especially since Christmas has just passed) so I’m thankful to have a weaker mint tea. Plus it’s Yunnan which is one of my favourite’s and I believe this is the first time I have tried Yunnan and mint together.
The tea is minty, naturally sweet, malty, rich and fresh. It brings back my wonderful time in Covent Garden with my husband, watching the opera singers while we sipped on Earl Grey, shopping in Tea Palace before we watched a street comics 30 minute show….such a nice day. :)