i went to my friend’s house today. we had a campfire and we made some of this tea western style with a big cooking pot for boiling the water, a smaller pot and a big strainer to strain the leaves in. this tea has aged for about a year, (well i think it aged and they say it can). so i think it has aged a fair bit. i can tell because the smokeyness of the dry leaves is a lot weaker but more in an aged way. the tea also tastes a tad weaker but in an aged way. the water did not reach a full boil but steeped well
my friend’s wife did not like the smell of the dry leaves too much (nor did their kids, who really did not like it and thought it smelled stinky) but said the tea was ok but shes going to stick to her teas. me and her had a small discussion on how this tea is made too.
we had no marshmallows or wieners today.
i had fun!
note: the gram amount and water volume are estimates