50 Tasting Notes

drank Rare Orchid Oolong by TeaSource
50 tasting notes

Second tea out of Steepster Select box this month. I have been drinking more oolongs lately, so I am feeling a little more educated in giving a review on one. This one was on the fruity side. It had depth to it, not sure if I tasted honey, but it was very good. I resteeped this twice, the third one was too weak for me, but the first and second were great. I don’t resteep much, once at the most usually, just preference I think. I like the full flavor and feel deprived a little when it is not as intense on the later steepings. Nice oolong, would definitely recommend.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I’m with you on the re-steeping of teas, usually I go for 1 bold steep, or 3min, with a 5min resteep. Unless I’m doing a gongfu session, but that’s another story altogether.

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

Me three ;-)
I like my teas on the BOLD side

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drank Rare Orchid Oolong by TeaSource
50 tasting notes

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drank Silver Bud Ya Bao by TeaSource
50 tasting notes

First tea to try out of Steepster box this month. Tea itself is really neat looking. Taste was very good, light. I resteeped this twice, which I hardly ever do. I can say that I enjoyed all three times. Really nice tea, nice way to start out the box!

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Obukucha by Steepster
50 tasting notes

Last tea out of my Steepster box. I tried 2 greens back to back. This is the second one. Has a stronger, earthy/grassy taste to me when compared to other greens. Leaves are grassy looking if you will. Drinkable but not turning me into a green tea lover-this is just preference. If you like earthy/grassy green, give this a try.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Organic Long Jing by Steepster
50 tasting notes

Just exploring green tea more, so not well versed in it. The leaves for this one were really cool. They were so perfectly shaped still, you would of thought that they were fresh and not dry. Nice pale brown/green flavor that you expect with a green. Taste was rather ordinary to me, plain green if you will. Nothing to make me remember it, but I did drink and like it.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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I thoroughly enjoyed this Steepster Select tea! It smelled wonderful and tasted the same! I think that the description/tasting note on the package, hit it right on. This tea makes me appreciate oolong tea and how complex it can be. Try it!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 1 OZ / 29 ML

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drank Red Jade by Eco-Cha Artisan Teas
50 tasting notes

I would like to say “Ditto” to what CelebriTea posted! I read her note as well as the description about the spices that followed. I didn’t intend for it to be sweet if you will, when it said cinnamon, but I did intend to detect it in either smell or taste. This had just a basic black taste to me, nothing complex about it. I drank this straight, I knew from the taste that sugar and cream would not complement it for me even. Sorry

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 OZ / 29 ML

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drank Da Hong Pao Red Robe by Steepster
50 tasting notes

First tea out of my first Steepster box! I brewed as recommended on the package. I am not very versed with drinking that many oolongs. I will say that I agree with the tasting notes on the package, there was a very slight caramel sugar/grain taste and I couldn’t put my finger on what the finish was but floral seems right. I drank this with no milk and sugar, to start my day. I usually have English Breakfast with sugar and cream but I am expanding my horizons. I enjoyed this but I am not a tea drinking purist if you will so because of my own personal tastes, I did not rate it higher. If you are into oolong tea, straight up, I think that you will enjoy this more than myself.

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec 1 OZ / 29 ML

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I got this as a free sample at the Philly Coffee and Tea Fest 2013. I actually was excited to try this. Never saw it before, but I really like Numi teas and Beet Cabbage-I mean, who would of thought. Said to let steep for 10 mins-which I did. It had a red color to it, but it wasn’t as red as you would think being beets are in the name. I think the black tea mellowed out the red. I could smell the beet and cabbage as well as the black tea. Tasted all three as well. The cabbage was distinct, I think you have to like cabbage, to like this. All in all, I would drink again. Think I would try the tomato one first. I actually have the spinach chive, which I am going to try tomorrow. This is just what it says it is, tea with veggie taste added, so don’t read into more than that-it is what it is!

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This was included with the 12 Days of Christmas 2013 tea, CelibriTea sent out-Thanks so much, it was extremely appreciated! I would of told you that I do not like Earl Grey tea that much, if you would of asked me 6 months ago. I did a sampling of a bunch of black tea several years ago and after several earl’s I decided to stick with my English breakfast. Well, I revisted Earl several months ago, and after drinking an enormous amount of many different teas since then, I have grown a fondness towards him. I think the thing that really got me started, was a coffee shop day, when I tried a London Fog. I have to say, I enjoyed it so much, I had to try more. I enjoyed this Earl Grey. I will say that I did not think it was that ‘creamy’. It had a light earl flavor to it, not as pungent as other greys I have been drinking. I have read that the bergamot is the deciding factor in that, but I may be wrong. Anyway, I enjoyed, and will continue to drink Earl more regularly!

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I have been a tea drinker for a very long time. My Grandmother got me started with Lipton, complete with cream and sugar, when I was 8 yrs old. I have only continued my obsession through the years. I have been really into Rooibos lately, flavored almost always! I tend to drink a lot of flavored tea, to help me cut down on the sugar I use and do not need! Cheers!



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