My allergies are making it nearly impossible to smell anything, so I’ll avoid rating anything until I feel human again. Still, I got a swap from My Friend Rashad today (thanks!) and the smell of this is strong enough and wonderful enough that I couldn’t resist. This tea is absolutely lovely. There’s cream and pineapple goodness going on here. I really adore Della Terra’s cream flavoring in pretty much any blend. The pineapple element tastes very natural – sweet and tangy. Unlike most of DT’s fruit & cream teas, this one has a black tea base. I’m having trouble figuring out the reason for the deviation. My current best guess is that the black tea is adding a slight astringency that rounds out the pineapple flavor. Overall, this tea is very enjoyable even when my sense of taste is dulled. It can even handle a second steep without much change in flavor. I’m looking forward to trying this when I can fully appreciate it (and maybe then I’ll be able to solve the mystery of the unusual choice of base).
2 min, 30 sec