Somehow this little Harney’s sample has seemed to escape my notice until now. It smells wonderfully of spicy cinnamon and sweet plum. The tea is a thick, dark reddish purple color. Wow, this is tart! The flavor is all mouth-puckering plum with a cinnamon aftertaste. Adding a little sweetener cuts down on the tartness, but it is still a little overwhelming. I probably wouldn’t have bought this tea if I had realized that there’s hibiscus in it. If you like hibiscus this would probably be a nice winter blend for you.
-Dry blend is a mixture of very small pieces of hibiscus and cinnamon.
-Dry leaves smell overwhelmingly of spicy cinnamon with a hint of sweet plum. Tea liquor aroma is of rich cinnamon and fruity plum.
-Tea liquor is a thick dark purple red color.
-Very tart plum flavor and finish. Light burning cinnamon aftertaste.
-Best with sweetener.
-Fair tea. Very tart plum flavor with a strong note of spicy cinnamon.