This tea sampled by me courtesy of Lisbet. Thank you for sending me some samples :)
I wanted a rooibos this afternoon because my allergies are really acting up and I’m curious to see if one cup a day does enough to ease the allergies a bit. So here it goes.
This tea smells strongly of Rooibos (sour wood) and has a heavy scent of nutty liquour mixed in with it. The taste is similar to these toffee nut cookies we have at work. Cookies which I used to love, until they changed the recipe to this current recipe which is missing something, but I can’t quite figure out what it is that is missing. This tea is like that. Something is missing from the flavor.
I didn’t really get the white chocolate flavor out of this, but their was toffee. The rooibos itself really overpowered this tea, too much for me. I don’t want to finish the cup, but I will. I think. It is just so sour. Sour and nutty are an odd combo.
This sample did spike my curiosity in Specialteas in that I have ordered a few samples to try for myself. A few other Rooibos blends sounded interesting.
Yeah, I mean I thought the taste wound up being oddly coffee-like. The first cup really appealed to me and then… plegh! :) I couldn’t deal with it.