I read one review of this tea that described it as “too raisniny”. What the what?! Who eats cinnamon raisin toast and wishes there were fewer fat, juicy, delicious raisins? That is just crazy talk!
I’m really enjoying this tea. The aroma of this tea dry is intoxicating! At first sip I taste sweet toasted raisins. That flavor moves to a warm cinnamon, and then an almost bready smooth black tea body. There’s an ever so slight sweet cinnamon finish. This is the perfect breakfast tea!
Thank you to Wifey_Woman (Little Mew Brew) and 52teas for bringing this tea back. I’m so glad that I had an opportunity to try it :)
Mental note, don’t send any of this tea in Taryn’s package :) AND you’re nuts because raisins are awesome. The End.
If we’re thinking of the same coconut-lime tea, that one was just icky. I like lime just fine, but that tea had a bitter rind taste with little to no coconutty goodness. Gross!