This one smells great dry! Not what I was expecting when I heard cranberry. Cranberry is delicious – with turkey dinner. This was another of the samples I picked up a DavidsTea today.
Hmm not quite as yummy smelling once steeped but still pretty good. Ah so impatient waiting for it to cool but I’d like to have taste buds left for the rest of my new teas!
I’m enjoying this one. I’m not quite sure what I’m tasting but I know there are cranberries and pears from what I could see. Okay, I’m getting some pear a few sips in. I had a slight fear the cranberry would be overwhelming but nope! I may try steeping it longer next time for a bit more flavour. Overall yet another great choice from DavidsTea :)
Update February 15/13: I had 3 cups of this today. I’m loving it. I picked up 50g and I think I’ll add this to my permanent collection. It’s just got such a lovely taste for cranberries and black tea. Must be the pear. It’s excellent as it cools. I’ve found the sweet spot – not smoking hot and not cold but somewhere in between there. I think I’ll whip up another cuppa.