I like reds with snow chrysanthemum: I find those two flavors to mix well. My standard here is Ying Shan Hong from Yunnan Sourcing, which is vibrant, bold, well-defined but at the same time soothing and relaxing.
This cake tasted a bit different: the red came out very mild and chrysanthemums tasted muted as well, with some medicinal undertones. Also, a pronounced sweetness. The flavor profile is not complex but blends well. Not much of an aftertaste, though. The overall impression is of content mellowness and relaxation: it is well-suited for a late-evening relaxation in an overstuffed armchair after a hard day.
I think this cake is getting a bit old – Ying Shan Hong was much more to my liking.
Flavors: Apricot, Decayed Wood, Medicinal, Mushrooms, Sweet