And this one is only from 2 days ago! I’m making progress. I got this in my swap with Kittenna, which worked out perfectly since she hates floral teas (particularly rose) and I love them! I’ve had a few rose congous before, but never one with a green base. Rose pairs pretty well with almost any base in my opinion, so why not a green congou?
I cold brewed this as per usual… I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing recently, but it is summer after all. When it’s really hot out I sometimes put a splash of rosewater in my ice water just for an extra refreshing drink, and that’s exactly what this tastes like! Well not exactly, since the green base is pretty prominent, moreso than I thought it would be. The rose though is so nice, perfectly floral and kind of… crisp. Like almost icy and cooling. It’s a different aspect of rose that I’m not really that familiar with since I don’t often have it iced, but I think I will more often now!
Yay! Another tea that found a better home with you :P