I’ve been drinking pretty much exclusively flavored teas iced (aside from my daily pitcher of Genmaicha!) so I decided to go a different way today and cold brewed a simple sencha. Greens are my favorite tea to drink “straight” iced, so refreshing and the flavors really shine. This is buttery, nutty, and grassy—in fact, there’s a roasted flavor so pronounced that I might have guessed this was a mild genmaicha. A womderful flavor combo, though I don’t know if it’s a particularly special sencha. Drinkable for sure, but nothing that really screams “buy me again!” So it’s an in-between tea: I’ll enjoy finishing off my bag, but probably won’t restock. I try to keep my “must have” teas pretty low so my cupboard isn’t always constantly overflowing… though really, I’m not that successful at it!
Greens are my favorite to drink iced, tea. Actually greens are my favorite in general, so that probably helps ;)