This is a fairly tasty but bitter sheng. The bitterness was quite strong for the first eight steeps. About steep nine a sweet note took over. You might conceivably use the word apricots to describe the sweet note but it may not be quite that sweet. On a side note I got my teamail while I was brewing this. And my postman is a little bit odd. He asked for some tea. So I gave him what I think was the fourth steeping of this. He will probably have had quite a shock as sheng is something of an acquired taste. We’ll see if he ever asks me for tea again. I didn’t put sugar in it for him either. Just gave him what I think was the fourth steeping. It was still quite bitter at that point. This tea took a good eight steeps for the bitterness to depart.

I steeped this twelve times in a 130ml gaiwan with 7.1g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, and 2 min. I could have gotten more steepings out of this tea but I had had enough caffeine for today.

Flavors: Bitter, Sweet

Boiling 7 g 4 OZ / 130 ML
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MrQuackers 9 years ago

Be nice to your Postman, he brings you tea. Nothing odd about that. I would even offer him some as a thank you. :)

AllanK 9 years ago

I did not list everything, he is a little odd. I have actually given him a tea sample when he requested it. I suspect he was imagining something more like Lipton though.

JC 9 years ago

LOL! Well, he go exposed to Sheng. Even if he didn’t like it at first, chances are he’ll get curious about it at least.

MrQuackers 9 years ago

If some guy handed me an aged puehr tea put of the blue, I might think that was a bit odd. :)

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MrQuackers 9 years ago

Be nice to your Postman, he brings you tea. Nothing odd about that. I would even offer him some as a thank you. :)

AllanK 9 years ago

I did not list everything, he is a little odd. I have actually given him a tea sample when he requested it. I suspect he was imagining something more like Lipton though.

JC 9 years ago

LOL! Well, he go exposed to Sheng. Even if he didn’t like it at first, chances are he’ll get curious about it at least.

MrQuackers 9 years ago

If some guy handed me an aged puehr tea put of the blue, I might think that was a bit odd. :)

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I am Allan. I live and work in Long Island, New York. I have been amassing a tea collection for nearly two years and have spent way too much money. I now try to buy mostly Puerh as I like it most and it lasts nearly forever. Black tea has a habit of going bad. If anyone is interested in tea swaps I am open to ideas and have quite a cupboard.


Bay Shore, NY

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