I was asked to give an honest opinion about this tea, good points, bad points etc. I did like this tea. I tried it without sugar, I tried it with sugar. I tried to cover as many parameters in four steeps as possible. My eventual opinion on this tea was there was no real need to add sugar to it. The caramelized sugar already there sweetened it nicely. The strongest note to this tea was probably the caramelized sugar. The pecan, I think it is pecans in this, showed up in the second steep but were not as strong in the other steeps. The tea base itself was good. There was little bitterness or astringency to the tea base. Also I did not notice any notes of chocolate in it. That would have been an interesting tea if the tea base had had notes of chocolate but I didn’t find any. There was also no malt flavor that I noticed. As malt is as often a negative note as a positive one I suppose this is good. The tea base did have a very nice flavor to it but could have been stronger. If I didn’t have a job interview in a couple of hours I would probably keep steeping this tea. I think there were about two more steeps in it with the amount of tea I was using. I am seriously considering buying some of this but want to wait until I try the other sample I have from Liquid Proust first.
I steeped this four times in a 220ml gaiwan with 7.5g leaf and boiling water. I steeped it for 20 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, and 2 min. I noticed it was a little weak in the second steep so I gave it more time in the third steep and it was better.
Thanks Allan :)