The 9th Tea of Christmas . . .
Of all the teas that I’ve crafted for this year’s box, I think this one has been the most delightful to have in my tea studio. I love all the teas I craft – some more than others; I admit I’m not an impartial mom when it comes to my teas! – but this tea has been special, because every time I open the bin in which this tea is stored, my olfactory nerves are met with the most amazing scent. Sure, all of the teas smell amazing, but this one is a whole other level! It smells SO GOOD! I am truly going to miss it when it does leave the tea studio. I’m sure this one’s gonna sell out quickly!
Anyway, I’m also pleased to report that it tastes as good as it smells. This is one that also tastes amazing as a cold-brew, but I think it’s even better as a hot tea. Usually when it comes to my naturally caffeine-free blends, I tend to prefer them cold-brewed because there’s something about the process that brings out the very best in the flavors of the tisane. But this is one that I prefer as a hot tea, maybe it has something to do with the idea that a Maple Baked Pear would be better served hot (preferably with a drizzle of sweet cream over it!)
The tea has a really pleasing pear note with a luscious maple-y note & just a hint of warmth from the cinnamon & nutmeg. So good!