Hmm…I was just taken by surprise by the smell of this cup. It almost felt like I had gone back to the days of kindergarten. Why? Well it smelt almost exactly like Play Doh!!! It’s not that I really remember the smell of Play Doh from almost 20 years ago(there goes my age) but it definitely did seem to have some correlation. The smell might not be so bad for some people, but for me; I just can’t get the idea of drinking clay out of my head! Anyways, the taste of the tea wasn’t as bad, the almond was there although it’s not a strong roasted almond taste. Very subtle. I tried this with some milk the second time and it definitely killed some of the scent, so I will have to experiment with less tea and more milk to entirely kill the scent. What an experience :S
Oh dear. I may have ordered a sample of this in my sample ordering frenzy (can’t now recall), but if it is playdoh-smelling… well just ugh. It is one of my least favorite smells, the only one from my childhood that is worse is the smell of comic book ink.
Oh dear. I may have ordered a sample of this in my sample ordering frenzy (can’t now recall), but if it is playdoh-smelling… well just ugh. It is one of my least favorite smells, the only one from my childhood that is worse is the smell of comic book ink.
Comic book ink might come a close second in worst smells lol. The scent might be subjective though, so give it a try anyways if you did happen to order it.