Followed by 182 Tea Drinkers

Stephanie 170 followers

Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising My ratings are purely subjective and eac...

Meghann M 310 followers

Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a bab...

Garrett 91 followers

I’d like to think I’m an artsy graphic design student. I’m obsessed with tea....

pimli 34 followers

My favorite teas: Chinese greens, Formosa oolongs (especially Alishan), and M...

Lisbet 84 followers

Grad student in sociocultural anthropology. I drink tea while reading for my ...

Angela 37 followers

um, I like tea. Other various interests include books; video games; photograp...

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 385 followers

Hi, my name is Rachana Rachel Carter. I am a long time tea addict, a bit of a...

Rabs 163 followers

Proud all-around nerd, designer, fibromyalgia manager, and Assistant Library ...

Hazel 32 followers

I always loved teas but have been afraid to try new flavors. I was the gal wh... 33 followers

I’m a designer and a tea fanatic. Recently extended my brand to include my si...



I’ve got a lot of interests: sushi, science fiction/fantasy, medieval recreation, cooking (specifically medieval cooking), reading, British science fiction (Doctor Who!), hand sewing and now TEA!!

My favorites tend to be oolongs and flavored black teas. I like highly flavored teas more than delicate ones. Rooibos tends to taste like dirt to me, and hibiscus is very sour to my palate. But I’m always up to try all sorts of things, and will often find things that I really like which I thought I’d hate.


Kansas City

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