Followed by 182 Tea Drinkers

MH_Bonham 25 followers

Author of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Pet Books, teaophile, ninja, martial a...

Shanti 132 followers

28 year old lady who loves cats, dogs, and tea. I’ve been here since the begi...

AmazonV 407 followers

I love caffeine! I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer my flavors to be in your fa...

fcmonroe 89 followers

I’m a high school chemistry teacher. I enjoy most types of teas. I don’t ha...

Cortney Wagner 56 followers

I am a writer. I work in a restaurant. And I am passionate about tea. I revie...

Erin 178 followers

I have recently been forcibly transplanted from Princeton, New Jersey to Burl...

All things green 66 followers

Landscape Architect and Tea Lover

Robert Godden 111 followers

It’s All About tea! The link is to my blog. Co-Owner of The Devotea.

teabird 203 followers

Some notes on ratings: I’d have separate rating scales for tea types if that ...

TeaGeeks 200 followers

Tea Geeks TV – Be Informed



I’ve got a lot of interests: sushi, science fiction/fantasy, medieval recreation, cooking (specifically medieval cooking), reading, British science fiction (Doctor Who!), hand sewing and now TEA!!

My favorites tend to be oolongs and flavored black teas. I like highly flavored teas more than delicate ones. Rooibos tends to taste like dirt to me, and hibiscus is very sour to my palate. But I’m always up to try all sorts of things, and will often find things that I really like which I thought I’d hate.


Kansas City

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