I’d really rather make No Review at all before I make a Bad Review BUT in this case I really had to, there is something horribly wrong with this tea to me :(
This tea seriously makes me stomach hurt, I’ve tried it on 3 different occasions and I decided to try it again this morning but NO Good :(
I have honestly never had a tea that made me belly hurt like this after drinking so very little of it, tho I have drank teas that have made me feel bad, this one really hurts I can’t even change to something else because my belly is upside down.
Tastes like a Yunnan Black but really taste all goes out the window when your belly starts hurting.
It makes me sad too because I ordered a few teas from Silk Road Teas(4) and honestly only 1 out of 4 was even worth drinking and that was only when it was Iced.

Very Disappointed with Silk Road Teas :(


I get like that with oolongs. I’m finding a few that I don’t react to, but for the most part? I get violently ill within minutes.

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I get like that with oolongs. I’m finding a few that I don’t react to, but for the most part? I get violently ill within minutes.

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I just a guy who respects and loves the tea :)
Really???? Blah Blah Blah lmfao!!!



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