drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
1184 tasting notes

Thank you much Lala for this sample ad so sorry it took me so long to try it….so much tea, so little time!
This was first on my list because honestly, I have been a little scared of it. I love flowery teas, but for some reason, I am not a fan of rose. Anyway, it smelled and tasted pretty strongly of rose. So, it is just not for me. I am glad that I got to try it though!


Steep it for four minutes and the Rose nearly disappears and it becomes a sour apple tea!


I only had one sample, but thanks for the suggestion!

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Steep it for four minutes and the Rose nearly disappears and it becomes a sour apple tea!


I only had one sample, but thanks for the suggestion!

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I am a nurse. I have numerous hobbies: reading, crocheting, crafting, card making, scrapbooking, photography, shopping, and of course drinking TEA!

I started drinking loose leaf tea in Dec. 2010 when I went into a DavidsTea for the first time and have been hooked ever since! My favourite is probably white tea, but I also love black and oolong. I also like a nice relaxing rooibos or herbal in the evening. On Sundays, I like to treat myself and make a tea latte.

My favourite flavours are nutty, vanilla, chocolate, jasmine, tropical, fruity, earl grey.
My dislikes are lavender, rose, hibiscus, banana, and straight green or overly vegetal teas.

I am admittedly fairly generous in my rating scale. Most of my teas I rate at 90 and above, and would re-stock these teas.
Anything under 90 I probably wouldn’t re-stock unless I found a great price.


Saskatchewan, Canada

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