I wanted to steep this tea with my gongfu pot to see if I could bring out a little more of the chocolate notes and less of the grainy feeling to the tea.
Using my little gongfu pot. One note here: the leaves don’t get very large so make sure you use a straining device or else there will be leaves in your cup.
Quick rinse
I did four steepings at 30seconds, 40seconds, 60seconds, and 75seconds
I found with the gongfu steeping, there was a milder grainy aspect, which I enjoyed. It still wasn’t as sweet as I was hoping it would be. However, the chocolate did seem to come out a little more. I am pleased with this method and will continue to steep using this method with this tea.
Or if I continue to western brew this tea, I will take the first steeping as a rinse because I enjoyed the second and third steepings much more.