I have had good masala chai. I have had bad masala chai. I have never had perfect masala chai…especially in latte form. I notched off this new little gelato/espresso place called Affogato in the St. John’s neighborhood of North Portland. It was adorable, the gelato was delicious, but their chai…dear God…their chai!!!

It was perfectly balanced. I’m one of those that doesn’t like a masala chai to be too spicy or too sweet. Call me crazy. This was a very even keel blend. It was a ginger-dominant blend, but that was in no way a detraction. Call me a convert. Wow. Too bad it’s quite a distance from my side of town.

My full review of the shop can be found here: http://lazyliteratus.teatra.de/2012/10/18/late-night-lattes-and-gelato/

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I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I appreciate good tea, good beer, and food that is bad for me. Someday I’ll write the great American novel. And it’ll probably have something to do with tea or beer…or both. In the meantime, I subsist.

Tea Blog: http://www.steepstories.com

TeaCuplets: http://lazyliteratus.tumblr.com/





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