Dude. If someone would have told me that this tea smells and tastes just like those Little Debbie individually wrapped iced gingerbread men, I would have tried it ages ago! Okay, I’ll be honest, it is a TEENSY bit bland, to call itself Gingerbread SPICE, but I’m enjoying it anyway, because it makes me think of those cookies. My box is also a bit on the old side, so it might be a little spicier if it was fresher (although some of the other comments seem to indicate maybe not).
In other sad news, I have had to cut ALL caffeine out of my diet because it gives my little girl really bad colic. So that means no black, mate, or oolong tea at the very least. I want to try green and white teas, but I just haven’t yet, partially because I’m scared (it’s REALLY bad colic) and partially because I just haven’t gotten a craving for one yet. It won’t last forever, but it makes me very sad. I just don’t get as excited about herbals, and rooibos and I are not on great terms at the moment. :(