A murky golden-brown liquor with a green tint gives a bitter-savory-sweet experience. An appetite-stimulating and very sweet warmed leaf aroma of scallops, spinach soufflé, and butter cookies with a hint of cinnamon leads into a cup with a sweet and vegetal soybean aroma.
The taste is much different than the smell of the warmed leaf, with a mixed note of fish broth and bittersweet escarole. The bitterness separates almost immediately from the sweetness and is spread by the coating tea throughout the mouth, lingering. It gives way slowly to a short tropical fruit (jackfruit?) note that also appears in the bottom of the cup along with golden syrup. When the aftertaste subsides, the mouth is left with a pleasant aftertaste of lemon juice.
The overall taste turns more to wheatgrass with the third steep.
Flavors: Bitter, Bittersweet, Cinnamon, Cookie, Escarole, Fish Broth, Lemon, Pleasantly Sour, Savory, Seafood, Soybean, Spinach, Thick, Tropical Fruit, Umami, Wheatgrass