Spring 2013 "Drunk on Red" Sun-Dried Feng Qing Black Tea mini cake

Tea type
Black Tea
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Cherry, Dark Bittersweet, Jam, Malt, Roasted Barley, Wood, Berry, Astringent, Fruity, Green Wood, Raspberry, Black Currant, Cherry Wood, Cream, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate, Fruit Punch, Hibiscus, Narcissus, Orchid, Smoke
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Edit tea info Last updated by tperez
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 6 g 4 oz / 116 ml

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From Yunnan Sourcing

Third in the “Drunk on Red” series, but this year’s production is composed of Spring 2013 first flush Feng Qing material. The tea is picked, wilted, fried, bruised by rolling, wet withered under the sun and then finally sun-dried completely. The resulting taste is smooth and sweet with expansive cha qi. Yunnan large leaf varietal sun-dried black tea can be aged for several years with subtle changes occuring every 3 to 6 months.

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15 Tasting Notes

1271 tasting notes


Just the name itself calls all the tea drunk hopefuls to purchase. For $4.50 100g cake, it is hard to resist! This compressed black tea is woodsy (cherry wood) and fruity (raspberry and currants). It is easy to drink as it’s smooth and fruity. I got 7 good infusions too.

Full review on Oolong Owl – this tea is indeed RED! http://oolongowl.com/spring-2013-drunk-on-red-sun-dried-feng-qing/


I agree a nice little cake for sure.


woo, I am getting the Chrysanthemum version with my next tea of the month club

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526 tasting notes

Wow, what a brew! This cake definitely lives up to its name. First, I opened the wrapper to reveal a deep ruby black and gold cake. It had a faint aroma of cacao. Then, as soon as I sunk my pick in the scent of raspberry and cream emitted from this beauty. I was easy with the amount of dry leaves that I used since it was a dark yunnan. I brewed in my gaiwan with anticipation for this lovely treat. It brews an orange and red liquor. The smell of raspberry, cherry, dark chocolate maximize within the wet leaves. The brew tastes of mahogany and cherry. I can hint at undertones of Asian Pear. It is a very smooth sip and deep flavor. I’m glad I picked the spring version, for its very decadent and silky flavor. The best part about this tea is its power. I haven’t noted prominent Qi in Red Teas before today. While drinking this you truly become “Drunk on Red.” Yunnan Sourcing never disappoints.

Flavors: Cherry Wood, Cream, Dark Chocolate, Raspberry

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I just about pulled this one out the other night. Now I need to get to it.


Oh its amazing, hahah :)


I am going to get it now. Thanks for the review on it.


Glad I could “convince” you


Wow, I gotta get some of that! Sounds delicious!


its amazing, also very affordable!

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14 tasting notes

Brewed this in a mini-gaiwan. I’m not a big red tea drinker. But, man oh, man. This is wonderful. It took me a while to stand up after drinking this. There was for sure a tea drunk euphoria floating around and within me for a bit. I don’t know why I enjoyed more… the flavor of this, or the euphoric buzz it gives you. The name doesn’t lie, Drunk on Red Sun, for certain. So much Cha Chi. This flavor is really complex, lots of fruit notes, and lots of darker, woodier smoky notes too. It’s got really good balance. This had no bitterness, and the mouthfeel was cooling, and refreshing, almost menthol. I highly recommend this. It comes in a small bing, but i’m sure you’ll make it last.

Flavors: Black Currant, Chocolate, Fruit Punch, Hibiscus, Narcissus, Orchid, Raspberry, Smoke

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 7 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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15245 tasting notes

Terri sent me this a long while back and though i’d had it a few times now, i haven’t yet written about it because i hadn’t really figured out how i felt about it. Often with puerhs i generally either really like them right off the get go, or i dislike them. This falls into that random not sure how i feel about this sort of puerh. it’s sort of malty..but mostly just kinda of middle of the road, not really committing to anything solid. I feel like this wouldn’t be a bad intro to puerh for someone who didn’t like really bold black teas or something. Would i ever purchase this myself? nope. I’ve enjoyed others more..but it’s not a bad tea.. thanks terri!


Are you still sipping down? How many more do you need?


oh i am still sipping down… working from home today so i can go through a few of my puerh samples lol


Bahahaha. That’s awesome. I’ve been drinking my puerh too for the same reason – a lot of little bags. :)


i might actually make my sipdown goal this month…though my oldest tea goal won’t be made.


Also, c’mon. That’d be totally unreasonable if you made BOTH goals. You’re already making everyone else look bad. Hhaha


I figure i can meet my oldest cupboard goal by september. I’ve got 6 january teas left, 2 feb and 2 march…so by September i should be through all of those. That being said, uh April, May and June teas are ridiculous but i DO have 3 months before i have to be in to those.. Just need to keep my purchases down so that i can get through teas heh


That’s really decent! A lot of my old teas are actually matcha from the contest I won last Sept, so I just need to focus on matcha for a bit… After that it’s purchases from Black Friday. :) So my oldest cupboard is older than yours, but so long as I stay under 1 year I’m happy.


yeah i’m happy under a year as well, mostly i’m just trying to see if i have it in me to be able to get a 6 month cupboard going by figuring out my purchases…you know, me and games and organising. lol

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