Brewed this in a mini-gaiwan. I’m not a big red tea drinker. But, man oh, man. This is wonderful. It took me a while to stand up after drinking this. There was for sure a tea drunk euphoria floating around and within me for a bit. I don’t know why I enjoyed more… the flavor of this, or the euphoric buzz it gives you. The name doesn’t lie, Drunk on Red Sun, for certain. So much Cha Chi. This flavor is really complex, lots of fruit notes, and lots of darker, woodier smoky notes too. It’s got really good balance. This had no bitterness, and the mouthfeel was cooling, and refreshing, almost menthol. I highly recommend this. It comes in a small bing, but i’m sure you’ll make it last.
Flavors: Black Currant, Chocolate, Fruit Punch, Hibiscus, Narcissus, Orchid, Raspberry, Smoke